Anomaly in global-meansurface temperature (GST) between 1880 and 2008.
Blackline : original data and their trend (the broken line).
Red triangles : eruptions whose VEI (volcan ice xplosivity index) is equal or greater than 5.
Green vertical bars : annual yield of atmospheric nuclear explosions (UNSCEAR, 2000).
Blue line : corrected GST (0.3K was added toGST data of 1945 and later) based on Thompson et al.(2008) and its trend (the broken line).
Red line : re-corrected GST anomaly based on effects of atmospheric nuclear explosion (Dt was set at 2 years) and Thompson et al.(2008), and its trend (the broken line).
Green line : imaginary linear global warming trend. Gray line : sunspots
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